Interface ServerProcess

All Superinterfaces:

@Experimental @NonExtendable public interface ServerProcess extends Snapshotable
  • Method Details

    • connection

      @NotNull @NotNull ConnectionManager connection()
      Handles incoming connections/players.
    • instance

      @NotNull @NotNull InstanceManager instance()
      Handles registered instances.
    • block

      @NotNull @NotNull BlockManager block()
    • command

      @NotNull @NotNull CommandManager command()
      Handles registered commands.
    • recipe

      @NotNull @NotNull RecipeManager recipe()
      Handles registered recipes shown to clients.
    • team

      @NotNull @NotNull TeamManager team()
      Handles registered teams.
    • eventHandler

      @NotNull @NotNull GlobalEventHandler eventHandler()
      Gets the global event handler.

      Used to register event callback at a global scale.

    • scheduler

      @NotNull @NotNull SchedulerManager scheduler()
      Main scheduler ticked at the server rate.
    • benchmark

      @NotNull @NotNull BenchmarkManager benchmark()
    • dimension

      @NotNull @NotNull DimensionTypeManager dimension()
      Handles registered dimensions.
    • biome

      @NotNull @NotNull BiomeManager biome()
      Handles registered biomes.
    • attribute

      @NotNull @NotNull AttributeManager attribute()
      Handles registered attributes
    • advancement

      @NotNull @NotNull AdvancementManager advancement()
      Handles registered advancements.
    • bossBar

      @NotNull @NotNull BossBarManager bossBar()
      Handles registered boss bars.
    • extension

      @Nullable @Nullable ExtensionManager extension()
      Loads and handle extensions.
    • tag

      @NotNull @NotNull TagManager tag()
      Handles registry tags.
    • trim

      @NotNull @NotNull TrimManager trim()
    • exception

      @NotNull @NotNull ExceptionManager exception()
      Handles all thrown exceptions from the server.
    • packetListener

      @NotNull @NotNull PacketListenerManager packetListener()
      Handles incoming packets.
    • packetProcessor

      @NotNull @NotNull PacketProcessor packetProcessor()
      Gets the object handling the client packets processing.

      Can be used if you want to convert a buffer to a client packet object.

    • server

      @NotNull @NotNull Server server()
      Exposed socket server.
    • dispatcher

      @NotNull @NotNull ThreadDispatcher<Chunk> dispatcher()
      Dispatcher for tickable game objects.
    • ticker

      @NotNull @NotNull ServerProcess.Ticker ticker()
      Handles the server ticks.
    • start

      void start(@NotNull @NotNull SocketAddress socketAddress)
    • stop

      void stop()
    • isAlive

      boolean isAlive()