Class RangedAttackGoal


public class RangedAttackGoal extends GoalSelector
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      public RangedAttackGoal(@NotNull @NotNull EntityCreature entityCreature, int delay, int attackRange, int desirableRange, boolean comeClose, double power, double spread, @NotNull @NotNull TemporalUnit timeUnit)
      entityCreature - the entity to add the goal to.
      delay - the delay between each shots.
      attackRange - the allowed range the entity can shoot others.
      desirableRange - the desirable range: the entity will try to stay no further than this distance.
      comeClose - whether entity should go as close as possible to the target whether target is not in line of sight.
      power - shot power (1 for normal).
      spread - shot spread (0 for best accuracy).
      timeUnit - the unit of the delay.
    • RangedAttackGoal Link icon

      public RangedAttackGoal(@NotNull @NotNull EntityCreature entityCreature, Duration delay, int attackRange, int desirableRange, boolean comeClose, double power, double spread)
      entityCreature - the entity to add the goal to.
      delay - the delay between each shots.
      attackRange - the allowed range the entity can shoot others.
      desirableRange - the desirable range: the entity will try to stay no further than this distance.
      comeClose - whether entity should go as close as possible to the target whether target is not in line of sight.
      power - shot power (1 for normal).
      spread - shot spread (0 for best accuracy).
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