public class FrogMeta extends AnimalMeta
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FrogMeta

      public FrogMeta(@NotNull @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull @NotNull Metadata metadata)
  • Method Details

    • getVariant

      @NotNull public @NotNull FrogMeta.Variant getVariant()
      Get the current FrogMeta.Variant from a frog.
      the given variant entry
    • setVariant

      public void setVariant(@NotNull @NotNull FrogMeta.Variant value)
      Set the variant for a frog.
      value - the value to set
    • getTongueTarget

      public int getTongueTarget()
      Get the current tongue target value.
      the given value
    • resetTongueTarget

      public void resetTongueTarget()
      Set's the current tongue target back to the default value from the protocol.
    • setTongueTarget

      public void setTongueTarget(int value)
      Set the target value for a tongue.
      value - the target to set